Old thread, but I too would love support for Mk2/Mk3. I've been on MacDive for 8 plus years and can't imagine a world without it. But also switched just switched from my Oceanic OCi to an Mk3i. Loved the Oceanic, but after years of use, it finally saw it's end. Oceanic offered a replacement but I opted to move on.
Would be great to see the Garmin in the support device column!
Garmin Descent Mk2i Support?
Re: Garmin Descent Mk2i Support?
Zero reponse from MacDive team?
Will the Garmin get support or not?
Will the Garmin get support or not?
Re: Garmin Descent Mk2i Support?
So this is interesting. It may be this topic has the most views of any support topic, yet remains unanswered from MacDive team as to whether support for the Garmin Descent series will be added.
Re: Garmin Descent Mk2i Support?
This would be greate if not the location name at least to input the Lat and Log into the dive site. Its been a pain to have to copy an past that in. I can understand it not getting the site name but at least input the dive coordinations. Would also be nice to be able to take a listing of Coordination and Group it to a Country and ocean which in my case I have been using location as the Ocean. Example I dove the red sea for 2 weeks. So been doing Country:Egypt, Location: Red Sea, Site: Dive Site Name.
Re: Garmin Descent Mk2i Support?
Appears we can ask all we want, but it must not be a popular enough dive computer to warrant direct integration support despite this being the number one thread topic at MacDive. What do we need to do to get some love around here?
Re: Garmin Descent Mk2i Support?
I don’t think MacDive don’t care, it’s just Garmin prohibit everyone except themselves when it comes to BLE support.
- Posts: 6
- Joined: Fri Sep 13, 2024 10:09 pm
- Dive Computer: Garmin MK3
Re: Garmin Descent Mk2i Support?
Another fellow user of macdive here, praying for compatibility with the MK3 

Re: Garmin Descent Mk2i Support?
February 2025 and still no support. Guess we’re not getting anywhere.
- Posts: 6
- Joined: Fri Sep 13, 2024 10:09 pm
- Dive Computer: Garmin MK3