Viewing gear crashes app

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Viewing gear crashes app

Post by Twan77 »

Hi Nick,

first of all, i would like to say that you really did a great job building the new iPhone app. I downloaded it, and like it very much!

I found a little bug though. I installed the app on my iPhone and iPad and enabled the sync option to get all my data in the app.
If i select the gear section i can see all my gear. When selecting a piece of gear to see the details of that piece, the app crashes however.
This only seems to happen when trying to view gear that has service date information to it (my BCD, regulator and tank).
Gear that has no service information added to it works fine. I can view the details of those pieces of gear.

Maybe this is a bug of some kind. Not sure if other people also experience this.

Thanks again for the great app!

Greets Twan

Edit: just read in the announcement post for 1.0.1 that this problem was already reported so this post can be ignored.
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Re: Viewing gear crashes app

Post by nick »

Twan77 wrote: Maybe this is a bug of some kind. Not sure if other people also experience this.
It is. It's actually fixed, there's a beta in TestFlight, and the update will be submitted very soon. Sorry about that.
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