Suunto Vyper temperatures incorrect

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Suunto Vyper temperatures incorrect

Post by dac »

MacDive downloads water temeprature data from my Suunto Vyper just fine. However, it's usually completely incorrect, in what appears to be a very random way. On my most recent dives, for example, the "Temp High" and Temp Low" are both 54. (This is fairly close to what the low temp actually was.) A few dives before that the shown high/low are 63/57, whereas the actual low was somewhere around 39. Before that, 70/52, which was fairly close to reality. Honestly, I've never been able to detect any rhyme or reason to the reported figures. And in the "Raw" section of the info window it always just reads 32.

Not sure if this is an issue with what data the Vyper records, MacDive, or something else ... but I thought I'd ask. Thanks.
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Re: Suunto Vyper temperatures incorrect

Post by nick »


The 32 is 0c because your device doesn't record per-sample temperatures. It's just displaying 0 as a default, but in imperial units, so 32. This could be blanked out to make it less confusing.

As for the incorrect high/low, the code there hasn't changed in many, many years, and there have been no other reports of problems. How are you determining that they are incorrect? Does the device itself list them differently?

Never say never, obviously it's a complex application and bugs happen, but I'd be kind of surprised if these temperatures were incorrect and no-one had ever mentioned it. Note that the Vyper, I believe, is not actually recording the high and low temp. Rather if I recall correctly it's "temp at start" and "temp at max depth".

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Re: Suunto Vyper temperatures incorrect

Post by dac »

As for the incorrect high/low, the code there hasn't changed in many, many years, and there have been no other reports of problems. How are you determining that they are incorrect? Does the device itself list them differently?
I pay attention to the temperature while I dive (not least because I often dive in cold water), so I tend to notice the low temperature specifically.
Note that the Vyper, I believe, is not actually recording the high and low temp. Rather if I recall correctly it's "temp at start" and "temp at max depth".
Hmm, that still doesn't explain the numbers I see ... e.g. the 54/54 on my most recent dive that I mentioned.

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