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Re: Zeagle N2Ition 3 (And other Seikos)

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2012 4:10 pm
by TnT
I didn't realize I already had your data. Anyway, the current status is that the N2iTiON 3 (and probably a few other compatible seiko devices) are supported by the libdivecomputer library, but macdive doesn't have it enabled.

The last time I checked with Nick, the main reason why it's not enabled in macdive, is that the driver modification is too complex for most non-technical users. Listing the N2iTiON3 as a supported device would likely result in unhappy users because most of them won't get it to work. And that causes only frustration for both users and developer.

Maybe you can convince Nick to enable it, but without listing it as officially supported? The best would be of course to either have some easy to use and automated way to patch the driver, or at least have some well documented instructions (e.g. like I did for the Windows driver.)

Re: Zeagle N2Ition 3 (And other Seikos)

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2012 10:44 pm
by nyscubadiver
Nick, any chance???

Re: Zeagle N2Ition 3 (And other Seikos)

Posted: Sun Feb 19, 2012 9:40 am
by nyscubadiver
Didn't see a PM for nick, so I am attempting to "Bump" the thread to see if he might notice and be able to unofficially activate
the n2ition 3 support.


TnT wrote:I didn't realize I already had your data. Anyway, the current status is that the N2iTiON 3 (and probably a few other compatible seiko devices) are supported by the libdivecomputer library, but macdive doesn't have it enabled.

The last time I checked with Nick, the main reason why it's not enabled in macdive, is that the driver modification is too complex for most non-technical users. Listing the N2iTiON3 as a supported device would likely result in unhappy users because most of them won't get it to work. And that causes only frustration for both users and developer.

Maybe you can convince Nick to enable it, but without listing it as officially supported? The best would be of course to either have some easy to use and automated way to patch the driver, or at least have some well documented instructions (e.g. like I did for the Windows driver.)

Re: Zeagle N2Ition 3 (And other Seikos)

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2012 3:13 am
by nick
Offering this will cause a support problem. Of the people I've spoken to, several of whom are fairly technical, noone could get the driver installed and the test app working.

I don't have a device to test so I can't write up any instructions or offer any solutions to users. Until there is a way to provide the driver and actually get people up and running, it's not feasible.

I get enough support email for just installing drivers in the first place - having users modify them after the fact, in a specific way, is not really an option.

Re: Zeagle N2Ition 3 (And other Seikos)

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2012 2:47 am
by nyscubadiver
If I can be of any help, I had installed the driver and it worked perfectly when I ran the test about a year and a half ago.
Since this program is our one and only hope, it would definitely be beneficial to us Zeagle owners.


Re: Zeagle N2Ition 3 (And other Seikos)

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2012 2:54 am
by nick
What modifications did you make to the driver?

I've had a number of people try and have no luck contacting the device.

Re: Zeagle N2Ition 3 (And other Seikos)

Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2012 1:47 am
by nyscubadiver
All I did was active my root user, log out and log back in as the root user.
I then 'cd' into the file and changed the Ids in the info file
I then kext unload, load and then rebooted.
I used some logging program awhile ago and emailed the results.

To be honest, the only thing I remember that I did was to have the
USB connected the entire time and to ensure that I was logged in as ROOT.

If you want, I will redo for you and send the results.

Re: Zeagle N2Ition 3 (And other Seikos)

Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2012 3:10 am
by nick
Keep in mind that the most common support request I get ultimately ends up being because the user never installed a USB driver in the first place. Do you think it is reasonable to expect non-technical users to be able to do this?

If there were some incredibly simple, well written instructions to follow, I would consider it. But I'm not promising anything. I don't think you understand the amount of support that would be required for this.

Re: Zeagle N2Ition 3 (And other Seikos)

Posted: Sat Feb 25, 2012 9:53 am
by nyscubadiver
I understand where you are coming from. I guess since I was able to get it working on my end, I was being a little self serving and hoping you "unofficially" activate it so I could use it myself. But I understand your point of view and how it could cause a headache for you support wise, considering everyone would be aiming there help questions to you.

Re: Zeagle N2Ition 3 (And other Seikos)

Posted: Sat Feb 25, 2012 10:05 am
by nick
It's not really the amount. It's what is required. I've spoken to multiple people who are quite technical and tried to help them set this driver up, and no-one has had success (except you, but I don't know what you did). It's hard to debug since I don't have any of these devices to test myself.

I just can't provide this to users who are not technical. It's too complex and is only going to frustrate both them and me.

Adding it to the app unofficially is a potential solution, but requires a bunch of work to cram it in there without making it obvious. Let me look in to it.