Warning Dialog on boot, "The file couldn't be saved" quits

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Warning Dialog on boot, "The file couldn't be saved" quits

Post by Deacon »

When I launch MacDive (version 2.3.3) on either my Mac Pro or my MacBook Air (both running 10.9.4) all I get is a warning dialog saying, "The file couldn't be saved." and an "Ok" button. Upon pressing the "Ok" button, MacDive app quits. I have trashed then reinstalled MacDive. I have tried to find related files, such as in /Preferences or /Application Support that may have an invalid path hard coded. I looked for "MacDive", "macdive", "dive", "mac-dive" and "mint" but only found files within the MacDrive application container. What to try next?
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Re: Warning Dialog on boot, "The file couldn't be saved" qui

Post by nick »


Please email support with your MacDive data files. See the FAQ if you can't find them, it has some instructions.

Unfortunately I've not heard of this problem before so I can't offer you any immediate solutions. My guess would be that your data is somehow corrupt, but I don't know where that error message would be coming from - it's not part of MacDive itself, as far as I recall.

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Re: Warning Dialog on boot, "The file couldn't be saved" qui

Post by Deacon »

I had placed the MacDive data folder in a Dropbox to allow sharing between my laptop & desktop.

Code: Select all

ln -s /Users/MyUID/Dropbox/Scuba/MacDive/ ./MacDive
At some point the MacDive folder in Dropbox got deleted (overzealous cleaning spree), but the symbolic link still existed. When I restored the data from TimeMachine backup, MacDive booted normally.

All is fine now except photos don't work (and have never worked) with the symbolic link. Please let me know if there is a solution to synchronization that works better than the symbolic link hack (iCloud maybe?)
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Re: Warning Dialog on boot, "The file couldn't be saved" qui

Post by nick »

Ahh, that explains the error message.

There is a much, much better solution. In fact, I was testing the image sync last night and it is pretty badass. However it's a wee way off - it's a pretty major update which requires a lot of testing, and has some other dependencies I need to finish first.

But if you can manage for now, there will indeed be an official, built-in and much slicker solution coming. I may put up a news post/tweet asking for some beta testers closer to the time, so keep an eye out. If you're interested, it would be great to have someone that will make use of it help smooth out any issues.
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Re: Warning Dialog on boot, "The file couldn't be saved" qui

Post by taylorharris50 »

Any news on the new version with sync built in? This will be great for travel. I have a big iMac at home and a small low spec'd Macbook Air for travel. Would prefer to do data entry on the road when my mind is fresh...
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Re: Warning Dialog on boot, "The file couldn't be saved" qui

Post by nick »

No, sorry. It's a big job.
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