Lost a few dive sites

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Lost a few dive sites

Post by WPaJim »

About 60-80 of my dives seem to have lost location and site name. They seem to be all just three or four specific locations. this happened sometime last night running the previous version and syncing with my iPhone, now running 2.5.2 still no luck. I can go through and reconstruct them from paper logs (and the untouched 2.3.8 I'm running on another Mac) but is there an easier way recommended? MacDive backup? Time Machine?

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Re: Lost a few dive sites

Post by nick »


Are the sites themselves still there? Ie, did the sites get deleted accidentally? You say "location" and "site name". Does that mean the site is there with a country, but has no location or site name? Or does it have no site at all? It would be great to get a little more detail.

As far as fixing it.. well, obviously you could restore your old data but you'd need to reset the sync then. One of the downsides to syncing with the cloud is that you can't just swap out your data file easily, there's a little more to it.

I'm unclear on whether you're saying the site is deleted, or the location/name are removed. If the location/name are removed then obviously you can type it in once and everything is right again. If the site was deleted, then you'd have a bunch of dives with an unknown site. You can use the desktop to multi-select and bulk edit the dive site, so perhaps it's only a minute or two to go through and re-assign them. That depends on your data I guess, without actually seeing it I can't tell.

Of course it's possible there's some weirdness with the sync. I haven't see this in all of the testing we've done, data hasn't just randomly disappeared. My first thought would be that something got edited accidentally. Next, it would really be good to see logs, but if this happened a while back they will likely be long gone.
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Re: Lost a few dive sites

Post by WPaJim »

The site no longer exists. There used to "USA, Volant PA, Strawberry" now there is not. So I have a bunch of dives with blank spaces in the listing and "No Site Selected" on the Info site pane. There are also a few other sites that have gone missing so I have to figure out which dives go with which site. Sounds Like I can multi-select once I do that. Interesting that all the missing ones are local dives.

Actually looking at my old version of MacDive on the other Mac there are three entries for "USA, Volant PA, Strawberry" It appears that all the ones that no longer exist had multiple entries for the same site. (Created by copying all files from the laptop to the desktop in May, so missing this summer and fall diving). The laptop is where I have been doing the updates.

I am 99.9% sure they were there yesterday before I updated, but sometime after I got the dives on my iPhone I noticed they were gone.
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Re: Lost a few dive sites

Post by nick »

Would it be possible to email me the MacDive.sqlite data file from the other Mac?

I wouldn't mind taking a look at it, to see if there's anything odd going on.

(You can find it by opening Preferences > General and tapping Show MacDive Folder In Finder).
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Re: Lost a few dive sites

Post by WPaJim »

Sent to support.
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