The digital dive log for macOS and iOS


The Basics



Tips and Tricks

Identifying Critters

So you can create and view Critters, but that's not all. MacDive lets you tag Critters on both dives and in photos.

Tagging Critters On Dives

If you navigate to the Notes tab of a Dive Profile you can tap on the Critters area to select the Critters you spotted on a dive.

Tagging Critters In Photos

In any of the Photo Pickers, such as those accessed by tapping the Photo icon from a Tag or going to the Photos tab of a dive profile, you can long-press on any image. This gives you the option of choosing Identify, to tag the critters that are in a particular Photo.

Tap on any Critter to select or deselect it. You can tap the "+" icon in the top right to add a new Critter and automatically tag it in the image.

Detailed Statistics

Once you've started tagging Critters on your dives and in your photos, MacDive can start giving you further options. For example, you can view a Distribution Map of exactly where in the world you've spotted them, accessible from the Critter Detail screen.

If you've auto-added images in MacDive for OS X, those images will appear on your dive profile. If you then identify the critters that are in them MacDive can show you even more detailed information - like the average depth at which you've encountered various species.